Full Sets of Rashguard, Shorts & Spats from Scramble
Jiu jitsu isn’t a fashion show. Believe it or not, we know that at Scramble. But, having bright purple and green spats matched with those scuzzy old brown boardshorts and a rash guard you bought for a tenner off Amazon is not a good look. To that end, we’ve developed a few sets of rash guards, spats and shorts that go perfectly together.
First up is the RWB set, recently released. No prizes for guessing what RWB stands for. Red, white and blue are not only a flipping sweet colour combination but they also make up many of the flags of the nations where jiu jitsu is popular – the UK, America, Japan… Notably lacking is Brazil but green compression wear is kinda… hmm.
We’ve improved the materials we use yet again, particularly on our spats and shorts, meaning that these really are the best quality you’ll find on the market. The RWB set consists of a short sleeved rash guard (a rarity for us), grappling shorts in our new fit and style (with a strip of elastic down the side), and a pair of clean blue spats.
The other set out now is the Kuro Camo set, a simple black three piece combo that features a black camo pattern throughout. It also has our slanted logo variant, a feature of pieces throughout 2016 and 2017. These are made from the same primo materials as the RWB set above. If you have yet to buy your first piece of Scramble then there has never been a better time – we guarantee* you’ll be impressed. (This is a Dr. Nick / The Simpsons style non legally binding guarantee, however we are always only an email or social message away from your total satisfaction.)