Japanese Can Coffee Reviews: Georgia European
And now for something completely different.
The first in a series of reviews of Japanese canned coffee.
Canned coffee is EVERYWHERE in Japan. You can’t go more than a few feet without being assaulted by a vending machine. It’s almost as if Japanese people are powered by canned coffee. They need to drink one to keep moving, the way a four wheel drive drinks petrol.
Walking fast, drinking coffee, uh oh, I have finished my coffee… can’t… move… must make it… to… next vending machine… (inserts 100 yen) ka-chink! slurp YOSH! Let’s go let’s go!
Without further ado, here is part 1.

Relax with a Deep Flavour
Only mild amusement can be gained from this particular coffee. The generic “European” tag is quite amusing. And one of the katakana words is pronounced “COCK”. Added bonus: Georgia is a state in the USA, I wonder how it relates to Europe in this case vis-a-vis coffee?
I’m quite tempted by the idea of relaxing with a deep flavour – it doesn’t sound too painful. I’m intrigued by what makes this small can of coffee European. The colours are soothing, this can is ice cold, and I am thirsty as hell.
Now we get down to business. My initial impression as I swirl the pale brown liquid around my mouth is that someone in McDonalds forgot to turn the filter coffee machine off last night and has tried to get away with using it again today. They may have done this for up to a week in order to achieve this special taste. They could possibly have filtered the coffee itself through an old sock. Counterbalancing the week-old coffee flavour is a generous helping of what tastes like powdered condensed milk – sweet and sickly and slightly powdery, leaving a thin film of slime on the tongue. The aftertaste does have a very weak but noticeable trace of actual coffee but that is soon washed away by the smack of sugary milk powder.
This coffee is owned by Coca Cola.
6/10. Didn’t even taste slightly European, generic filter coffee mixed with condensed milk. Would not drink again. Added bonus: the “coffee” crawled around in the bottom of my belly like a venemous snake for about an hour after drinking.
Georgia is also an Eastern European country.
Thanks! Added confusion!
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