Scramble Christmas Gift Guide 2020
Hi, if you are reading this, you are either someone looking to shop for gifts for yourself or your significant other – in which case, welcome!

First up, Scramble face masks. We made these when inklings of the apocalypse began earlier in the year, and it turned out we couldn’t make them fast enough. Turns out you guys LOVE masks. I don’t blame you, so do I, in fact. PSA: A mask is a small strip of fabric that might slightly help the transmission of airborne pathogens, and NOT a mind-control device or political tool. Just FYI.
Here at Scramble we actually do have the perfect Christmas gifts for jiujitsu fans. There’s a load of stuff that’s small and inexpensive as stocking fillers, or if you really want to make your significant other flip the dang heck out and cry tears of joy on Christmas day, pick up some limited edition items or soon-to-be-sold-out specials.
Next! Water bottles. Our Mixu XL flask is a great way to say not only that you love to stay hydrated (admirable) but that you are fashion conscious too, as it has some mega tasty but still subtle Scramble branding on it. Plus this one holds approximately a gazillion deca-litres of water so it’s perfect for those long rounds with Polish beasts. You can also add the coffee cup to list this, because it combines two of our favourite things – Coffee, Scramble, and Skulls. Wait that’s three things. It combines three of our favourite things: Coffee, Scramble, Skulls and Jiujitsu. Oh never mind.
Next: Towels. We do a brisk trade in towels – they are small, compact, great for wiping your face in between rounds or if you go for the big one, it can be your ACTUAL TOWEL that you use daily. Or, it works on the beach, too. That’s the beauty of a towel – it’s just a towel and does towel stuff regardless of the location. Also it has jiujitsu words on it so that’s good.
Possibly my personal favourite item of all – the Scramble Skabuki Socks. Socks are a classic Christmas gift, but they used to mean “I could’t think of anything so I got you socks.” Now, with the added awesomeness of jiujitsu and Scramble, socks become “Check out these freakin’ sweet socks I gave you! Open them! NOW! Rip open the packaging right now! For God’s sake just give them here and I will do it. Wow nice socks I might keep them.”
Bonus: For the hardcore who only accept gifts directly applicable to their jiujitsu training, why not try the Scramble Grip Trainers or the Scramble Finger Tape? Both small, relatively inexpensive stocking fillers that let your significant other who does jiujitsu know that you actually give a crap about them. Enjoy!
Stuff that will be sold out and not restocked and is therefore special:
The Kano gi is another personal favourite. Taking hints from the ancestor to jiujitsu, the gi has a judo aesthetic, with simple graphics, a large back patch and a sashiko weave lower half that is a direct nod to the Gentle Art itself. This will not be restocked so get one before they’re gone. Available in men’s and women’s versions.
Just added to the store and with a special mention are these Destiny Forever jiujitsu bracelets, hand made by Enson Inoue in a mountain temple in Japan. OK maybe not in a temple on a mountain but definitely made by Enson himself. These items of jiujitsu jewelry are something different and make the perfect gift for any jiujitsu head.