Scramble Brand

The Scramble Standard Issue Semi-Custom Kimono – Affordable Training and Competition Gi


We are very proud of our Standard Issue Kimono. We called it the Standard Issue Semi Custom because it gives you the freedom to customise it how you want, with the eight included patches.

We went back to the drawing board and stripped out all the components of the traditional BJJ gi that were not necessary if you were looking to keep costs down. There’s no printed neck yoke, no gi material bag, no extra embroidery or embellishments. Just a solid, reliable gi light enough to compete in and durable enough for everyday training.

Each Standard Issue Kimono comes with eight high quality woven patches. The patches have a sticky iron-on backing, meaning that if you are in a hurry (for example, pre-competition) you can simply iron the patches straight onto the gi. The best method however is the traditional way, getting a tailor (or someone handy with a sewing machine) to neatly sew the patches. You are free to mix and match patches, and put them wherever you want on the gi (be sure to remember the IBJJF uniform guidelines if you’ll be competing in an IBJJF competition.)

The Standard Issue is currently available in white, black, or navy blue. The white and black version come with the same patch pack, while the navy edition comes with a new patch pack tailored for the navy colour.

The Standard Issue Semi Custom Navy patch pack



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